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Videos for Teachers (English)

1.)The Impact of Feedback on the Common Core

2.) An Inspirational Teacher Quote Presentation
3.) Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

4.) Education in America: Don’t fail me now (Part 1)

5.) Inspirational Video (Kyle Maynard)

6.) Inspirational Story: Friends of Fate

7.) Inspirational Video: Never quit “Facing the Giants”

8.) Bill Gates, “How do you Make a Teacher Great?

9.) Oliver Button: Book Regarding Bullying

10.) Dr. Idioms

 11.) Famous Failures   

12.) One Person Can Make a Difference (Lead India The Tree) 

13.) Santiago Gonzalez (14 year old Programmer)

14.) Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition 

15.) Explicit Direct Instruction
16.) Qualities of Leadership - Leadership Quotes

17.) TMB Panyee FC short film (Make the impossible possible)

18.) First to Worst California Education Funding

19.) Dr. Ramona Bishop Interview- Superintendent of Vallejo Unified School District

20.) In Focus with Dr. Anthony Muhammed

21.) Dr. John Hattie: Visible Learning Pt. 1 Disasters and below average methods

22.) Dr. Todd Whitaker - What Great Teachers do Differently

23.) What Makes Great Teachers Great

24.) Dr. Geneva Gay – Culturally Responsive Teaching

25.) Dr. Gloria Ladsong-Billings ---Critical Race Theory

26.) The Latino Achievement Gap - Interview with Dr. Patricia Gándara (UCLA Author of The Latino Educational Crisis)

27) Dr. Peter Salovey Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

28.) 1960: "Harvest of Shame" Migrant Farm Workers

29.) Dr. Raja Create Success - A Solution to the Urban Achievement Gap

30.) Education Activist Diane Ravitch Visits Duke

32.) Dr. Paulo Freire - An Incredible Conversation
33.) Dr. Howard Gardner: Five Minds for the Future / Ross Institute Summer Academy

34.) Dr. Robert Marzano Delivers Special Message To LCS Teachers (The Courage to Lead)

35.) Leadership in Education: Michael Fullan The Strategy
36.) RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms- Sir Ken Robinson

38.) Dr. Sonia Nieto how to be a culturally responsive teacher

39.) Dr. Beverly Tatum  (Multicultural Author of the Year Recipient)

40.) Dr. Joyce Epstein is famous for her work with parent involvement (Johns Hopkin University).
Check out her discussion on School and Families.
41.) Horton hatches an egg is a great book to teach kids about the importance of keeping a promise.

42.)  In the award-winning documentary Children Full of Life, a fourth-grade class in a primary school in Kanazawa, northwest of Tokyo, learn lessons about compassion from their homeroom teacher.                  

43.) Say No to Drugs Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue
45.) Reciprocal Teaching

46.) Interview with John Hattie- Author of Visible Learning                                        

47.) John Hattie: The impact of Measurement on Achievement

48.) Making Learning Visible: Technology and Teaching for Understanding

50) The Role of the Principal in today's Climate. Dr. Doug Reeves
51.) Sir Ken Robinson (Creativeness and Innovation in Education) Hammer Lectures                                
52.) How To Be Respectful; Video for Children

53.)  Class Meetings for Teachers

54.)  Class Meeting Advice for Teachers

55.) How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids (Great Character Building Story For Kids)

56.) Please Vote For ME        
This enlightening documentary captures all the action as three Chinese third-graders vie for the position of Class Monitor in a democratic election.

57.) The Sneetches by Dr. Suess - Lesson on Differences.  

58) Social Media Revolution
59)  Blind Man Power of Words

60) RTI Data In Action

61) RTI Framework

62)  Life Skill: Pride

63) Make Reading Count- Dr. Isabel Beck

65) The Importance of Calibration